devon manney

dumb musing zone (dmz)

(d)umb (m)using (z)one


hello and thank you for continuing to subscribe to the DMZ! it’s been an absolutely insane few weeks here in LA, from wildfires to the immediate abatement of fascists, and personally –– and i know this is controversial –– i hope that things get better soon (and you can quote me on that).

but TODAY, i’m really happy to release a NEW SHORT FILM, one that i first started playing with all the way back in 2019 and which i finally charged ahead and made during the summer/fall of last year during some gaps in freelance gigs. it’s called THE WINGS, and it’s a kind of absurd exploration of sports, theatre, aging, and revolution. it might be more coherent than that makes it sound, or maybe less, but regardless, i’m excited to share it here with you today.

i’ll be posting about the film as it PUBLICLY releases TUESDAY FEB 4 at about 9AM over on my various social media channels (@devonmanney for basically everything) –– so if you like the film, i’d really appreciate you taking the time to share those posts (plus, review the film on letterboxd if you’re so inclined), and most importantly, share the film itself to your feeds, friends, loved ones, and anyone and everyone you think may like it! i don’t really make any money on the things i create, and while i LOVE what i make and what i do, it also means that the currency i trade in is based on views and accumulating new audiences. which is the JOY of creation, too, to be able to share your work with as many people as you can!

i’ll have a much longer post, all about the multi-year development of the film, for you all on thursday february 6, so keep your inboxes peeled for that. but until then, and without further ado, THE WINGS is all yours <3

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